A productive office isn’t just about having a stylish setup—it’s about creating a space where people actually enjoy coming and feel inspired to do their best work. When your office environment fosters positivity and engagement, it can significantly boost productivity for everyone. 

As a provider of flexible office space in Leeds and Wakefield, 2-Work has seen first hand how small changes can make a big difference. In this article, we’ll share seven practical tips to help you create a workspace that’s not only functional but also a place where your team thrives. 

Let’s dive in and transform your office into a productivity powerhouse!


1. Clear the Clutter

A tidy office is a productive office. To start, encourage everyone to keep their desks free from clutter. A clean desk can do wonders for focus and efficiency; no more searching for that elusive document or dealing with stacks of paperwork!

Also, tackle those tangled cables. Good cable management not only makes your space look neater but also helps avoid those annoying tripping hazards. Invest in cable organisers or clips to keep things in check.

Finally, make sure your office layout is spacious and open. Avoid overcrowding with too much furniture or equipment. An open and well-spaced environment can make the space feel more inviting and less chaotic, helping everyone to stay focused and motivated!


2. Get Comfortable

When you or your team are spending hours at a desk, comfort isn’t just a luxury, it’s essential. That’s why investing in ergonomic equipment can make a huge difference in how everyone feels and works.

Start with ergonomic chairs that support the natural ‘S’ curve of the spine. These chairs help prevent slumping and reduce stress on the back and pelvis, keeping everyone comfortable and focused throughout the day.

Don’t forget about ergonomic desks! Adjustable desks allow you to customise the height to fit your needs, which helps to minimise tension and strain on your body. A setup that suits your height and working style can make long hours at the desk much more pleasant.

By prioritising comfort with ergonomic furniture, you’re not just investing in your team’s health, you’re also boosting productivity and morale. It’s a win-win!


3. the Power of Natural Light

Nothing beats the boost of natural light when it comes to creating a pleasant and productive office environment. At 2-Work, we make sure all our offices are bathed in natural light because the benefits are pretty amazing.

Natural light helps reduce eye strain, making it easier to focus on your work without that annoying glare or fatigue. It also lifts everyone’s mood and keeps drowsiness at bay, which means fewer afternoon slumps and more energy throughout the day.

If your office doesn’t have a great source of natural light, don’t worry; there are LED panels available that mimic the soft, natural glow. They can provide similar benefits and brighten up your workspace.

Bringing in as much natural light as possible is a simple way to create a more invigorating and effective workspace for everyone!


4. Embrace Modern Tech

Outdated technology can really drag down productivity and make work a hassle. From hardware like laptops, phones, and printers to software such as data systems and programs, having the latest tech is essential for a smooth-running office.

Slow or broken tech can disrupt your workflow and cause unnecessary frustration. Upgrading to current technology helps keep everything running efficiently, so you and your team can stay focused and get more done.

And don’t overlook Wi-Fi! Reliable, superfast internet is crucial for seamless operations. At 2-Work, all our offices come with superfast Wi-Fi, and we offer upgrades if you need them. Ensuring your tech and connectivity are up to date makes for a more productive and pleasant workspace.


5. Go Green

Adding a few plants to your office can do wonders for creating a better work environment. Not only do they make the space look more inviting, but they also offer some impressive benefits.

Plants help to reduce stress and anxiety, making your workspace a more calming place to be. They also improve air quality by filtering out pollutants, which can lead to a healthier atmosphere for everyone.

Plus, let’s be honest, plants just make the office look nicer. A bit of greenery can brighten up any space and create a more enjoyable place to work. So, why not add a few plants and enjoy the boost in mood and productivity they bring?


6. Add Personality

Plain walls and generic décor can make an office feel, well, pretty dull. Adding some character to your workspace can transform it into a place that’s both inviting and inspiring.

Think about incorporating prints, artwork, or decor that reflects your company’s personality or the vibe you want to create. Whether it’s fun murals, cozy furniture, or branded elements, adding these touches can help break up the monotony and make the space feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Creating a unique environment not only makes the office more enjoyable to be in but also helps steer clear of that corporate, cookie-cutter feel. It’s all about making the space your own and providing a setting where everyone feels at ease and motivated.



Nothing kills productivity faster than constant distractions from noise. Keeping noise levels to a minimum is key to maintaining a productive and enjoyable office environment.

That said, you don’t have to enforce strict rules like “no talking” or “no music”, these can actually make the atmosphere feel tense. Instead, focus on ways to manage noise so it doesn’t interfere with work. For example, using headsets during Teams calls and keeping the volume down can help minimise disruptions. If needed, encourage taking calls in quieter meeting rooms.

Music can also be a great addition to the office, it can boost morale and create a positive vibe. And if noise is still an issue, consider adding acoustic panels to help absorb sound and prevent it from travelling too much.

By finding a balance that works for everyone, you’ll create a more comfortable and focused workspace where noise doesn’t become a distraction.



With these tips, you’re well on your way to creating an office environment that boosts productivity and makes work a more enjoyable experience for you and your team. From decluttering and investing in ergonomic equipment to adding some character and managing noise levels, each step can make a big difference in your daily work life.

Looking for an office space where you can put these ideas into action? Get in touch with the 2-Work team!

Our offices in Leeds and Wakefield are blank canvases just waiting to be transformed into a productive hub for your business. 

With all-inclusive pricing, fantastic benefits, and a vibrant community, we’re here to help you create the perfect workspace.